
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Pedigree Update

YoYoMar "Night Star"
Months of patience have seen me finally blessed with another sheltie sow. This lovely lass has been nicknamed Star. She has a beautiful personality and has settled in really well. This makes her Enchanted Kingdom Cavy Stud's third pedigree sheltie. 

YoYoMar "Night Star"

Bewitching "Hermione"

Bewitching "Balthasar"

My other pedigree, the little texel boar Zorrow is also settling in nicely. He is keen to try all types of leaves, fruit and vegetables for treats and loves having cuddles. These pics were taken when he was two months old. I am still on the look out for a sow to be his future companion but for now he is just living it up bachelor style.
Wonderland "Zorrow"

Thanks go to Veronica from Bewitching Cavy Stud Emma from Ridgeview Cavy Stud and Bec from Wonderland Cavy Stud for their kindness and trust in allowing me to take these cavies home.

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