A blog about all that happens in my cavy kingdom and my journey into the realm of the cavy fancy. I share as I learn, so you will find all types of information here relating to owning, feeding, breeding and caring for guinea pigs.
Monday, September 8, 2014
A Cavy Garden
The latest project in my cavy kingdom is a cavy friendly garden, complete with herbs that my cavies and I can eat. They are currently in planters along the edge of my verandah so I can lean over and easily pick them for consumption. So far the leaves have been incredibly popular in the caviary.
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
The 'D' Word
Dropcoat or dropped coat is when a section or sections of a cavies hair
falls out and then regrows. This is an issue because you cannot show a
cavy with chunks of hair missing or drastically shorter than the rest of
the coat. A cavy who has dropped its coat does not belong on the show
table. Furthermore, it should not be bred with either. Whilst it is not
as straightforward as being simply a dominant or recessive gene it is a
genetic condition which will be passed on through the line of breeding.